Men’s Program
More needs to happen so as we talk about the issues impacting men!
This is why Warren is launching this year a
Men’s Program. This covers topics including:
Men's mental health
Habits for healthy men
Learn to ask RU OK - you may save a mate's life
Male-friendly services
Building men's health literacy
Warren can help men start the conversation with their father, brother, work colleagues and mates about their health -
their physical, mental and emotional health.
Let Warren bring this to your community…
Recognising when help and support is needed, either for yourself or for a mate, is very important!
To normalise the conversation about men’s mental health it needs a whole community approach to nurture a safe environment. One which removes the stigma making it more acceptable for men to seek help. This starts with awareness and education, followed by acknowledgement and action.
Here are four vital lessons from Warren’s journey which the men’s program looks at closely:
Identify your support network, the people who you love and trust and can call on for support when you are struggling to cope or simply need a chat.
Communication is key, communicating how you are feeling is hard and at times hardest with those who are closest to you. Having vital conversations can save lives.
Stay connected, staying connected to your community and support network helps negate the feeling of isolation especially when you are struggling. It also promotes conversation giving you the opportunity to share and gain wisdom from those around you.
Seek help, not always the easiest of steps! Recognising the seriousness of a mental health challenge and how the importance of gaining the right support can influence the rate of your recovery.